Should you ignore bonds entirely, or they are still worth investing in?

In the article, we will look at the characteristics of bonds and studies to support why you should not totally ignore bonds in your portfolio.

11 min read

By Quanloop Team
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Bonds investments are often the black sheep of the asset class due to their low returns and lack of hedging power against inflation. With that being said, there are some positive attributes to investment bonds that secure your overall investments. Hence, the question is, should it be discarded entirely from an investment portfolio? Or should we tweak its allocation for better performance?

Here, we will look at the characteristics of bonds and studies to support why you should not totally ignore bonds in your portfolio:

  • Investing in the bond market
  • The purpose and power of bonds
  • How to invest in bonds.

Investing in the bond market

Bonds[1] are an investment instrument that allows people to lend money to the issuer in exchange for a fixed income. It is a way for the issuer to raise capital while the lender earns interest from it. It is a long-term debt to the issuer and is considered generally stable due to its lower risk. Bonds have their own variants in terms of their maturity and structure. Short-term bonds are usually around 5 years or less and usually, yield higher interest rates than long-term bonds. However, long-term bonds are more stable and carry less risk than short-term bonds. Bonds with a zero coupon structure do not pay interest. Rather, they are issued at a discount. Bonds with fixed coupon rates pay interest on a fixed-term basis until the end of maturity.

Characteristics of bonds

Bonds investment are a type of promissory note between a lender and a borrower.

Bonds, unlike stocks, can vary greatly depending on the provisions of their indenture, a legal instrument that outlines the bond's features. Because each bond issue is unique, it's critical to read the fine print before investing. When considering a bond, there are six key characteristics to keep in mind.

Bond's maturity:

The bond's principal is paid to investors on its maturity date, and the company's bond obligation expires. The maturity of a bond[2] is one of the most important factors an investor considers when determining their investment goals and time horizon. Maturity is frequently divided into three categories:

  • Short term bonds that typically mature in one to three years
  • Medium-term that has a maturity of more than ten years
  • Long-term bonds that mature over a longer period of time

Secured and unsecured bonds:

There are secured and unsecured bonds[3]. A secured bond guarantees bondholders particular assets if the company fails to repay the debt through loan collateral. The asset is subsequently transferred to the investor if the bond issuer defaults. A mortgage-backed security[4] (MBS) is an example of a secured bond.

Unsecured bonds or debentures have no collateral to back them up. Only the issuing business guarantees the interest and principal. These bonds refund a small portion of your investment if the company fails. As a result, they carry a substantially higher risk than secured bonds.

Liquidation and payment obligations:

When a company declares bankruptcy, it has to pay back the investors through liquidating the collateral. After a company has sold all of its assets, the senior debt must be paid first, with junior debt following. Whatever is left is distributed to stockholders.

Coupon bonds:

The coupon[5] amount is the amount of interest paid to bondholders on a regular basis, usually once a year or twice a year. The coupon is also known as the nominal yield or coupon rate. Divide the annual payments by the bond's face value to get the coupon rate.

Taxes for bonds:

While most corporate bonds are taxable, some government and municipal bonds are tax-exempt[6], which means that income and capital gains are not taxed. Interest rates on tax-exempt bonds are often lower than those on taxable bonds. To compare the return to that of taxable instruments, an investor needs to calculate the tax-equivalent yield.

Call provision for bonds:

An issuer may be able to pay off some bonds before they reach maturity. If a bond has a call provision[7], it can be paid off sooner at the company's discretion, usually at a small premium to par value. If interest rates allow them to borrow at a lower cost, a firm may choose to call its bonds. Investors like callable bonds because they offer higher coupon rates.

Different types of bonds

Government bonds for fixed income:

Government bonds are considered the best bonds to invest in and the safest since their issuer is the state itself. The value of a government bond is maintained by national support, and its stability relies on the nation’s economic circumstances. Local municipalities within a state can also issue their versions of government bonds, called municipal bonds.

You can enjoy a number of benefits from owning government bonds, such as its low risk of default since the government is backing it. Unless the whole country goes bust, which is a rare scenario, your investments in government bonds are not likely to suffer. If there is a credit risk for any economic reason, the state can increases taxes to make amends. You can also get tax breaks from owning government bonds. Depending on the issuer and the type of bond, the tax advantage can vary. Some bonds are exempt from local taxes if the municipal laws differ from state laws. Other bonds are exempt from taxes if they were issued to finance public projects, such as hospitals.

However, since default risks are low, the yield of government bonds is also low. They may also lose their value if the interest rates are above the principal value because their prices decrease when the market interest rates increase and vice versa. They are also not immune to inflation. Since inflation eats your purchasing power, your interests out of those bonds are now less valuable, hence making the bond less valuable.

Corporate bonds for high yield:

Like government bonds, its issuers are corporations or companies that raise capital to fund their business operations. Corporate bonds are generally short-termed and are tied to the business’ success. Hence, they can offer higher yields than government bonds. They have lower volatility than company stocks and are more liquid and more diverse. You can also trade them in the secondary market after issuance to sell them if the price increases or buy them if the price decreases.

The cons of corporate bonds are usually related to the company’s profitability - if the company itself is in a riskier position with a lower investment grade, its issued bonds will also carry the risks. If the company goes out of business, you will lose out on your investments. Companies in riskier positions can issue bonds, and in those circumstances, the bonds will be called junk bonds or high yield bonds. These bonds carry higher risks of default and need a higher yield to offset the risks.

Benefits of investing in bonds

Bonds have a number of advantages. They give out a fixed sum of money at regular period in the form of coupons. Because bonds are less risky than stocks, they protect the absolute value of your investment through assets that guarantee a return of principle. These assets might be a suitable alternative for investors with less time to recuperate losses because they are important for balancing your portfolio and will be resilient in any market conditions. Stocks and bonds have an inverse connection, which means that as the stock market falls, bonds become more desirable. This is due to the fact that fixed income assets are less sensitive to macroeconomic risks such as economic downturns and geopolitical disasters.

Some bonds, like municipal bonds, for example, allow you to give back to your community. While these bonds may not deliver the higher yield of a corporate bond, they are frequently used to assist in funding the construction of a hospital or school, or to improve the standard of living for many people.

Risks associated with investing in bonds

Purchasing bonds, like any other investment, carries risks. For example, when interest rates rise, bond prices fall, and the bonds you own may lose value. Changes in interest rates cause most of the volatility in the bond market. This is compounded by inflation, which, if it exceeds the set amount of income provided by a bond, causes the investor to lose purchasing power. Then there's the potential that an issuer will default or make a prepayment on its debt commitment. Prepayment can be bad news for investors because the corporation has an incentive to pay the debt early only when interest rates have fallen significantly. Rather than continuing to maintain a high-interest investment, investors must reinvest cash in a lower-interest-rate environment. If an investor wants to resell a bond but cannot find a buyer, the investor will lose money.

Bonds also freeze your money for a set length of time. This increases the possibility that your initial investment may lose value. Stocks, on the other hand, can be purchased and sold at any moment. Furthermore, bonds just do not earn as much as equities. From 1928 to 2010, stocks returned 11.3% on average, while bonds returned 5.28% on average.

The purpose and power of bonds

The strengths and weaknesses of bonds are not new to investors. What is important for you to understand is its purpose in an investment portfolio and its current power in the global market.

Unlike securities, the role of investment bonds is not to bring high income. Its purpose is to provide safety to your portfolio. In good market times, both bonds and securities will provide you with a high yield, but bonds will cushion your portfolio in times of market crash so that you do not lose everything. Bonds are meant to diversify your portfolio between high returns and high risk. Combining securities and bonds is an optimal way to create a stable portfolio that will yield a generous return on interest on top of diluting your risks.

Bonds in Europe have been a success in the past as a method of raising capital for corporations due to their low interests. Around 30% of the global bond market belongs to Europe[8]. For you, as an investor, it means that bonds can provide security due to their popularity amongst issuers.

Although bonds in Europe were facing inflation[9] in the first 3 months of 2021, their yield increased significantly later. Data shows that junk bonds or High-yield bond have been doing particularly well in 2021[10] despite the pandemic and is forecasted to yield around 3 to 5% in 2021[11]. This is due to several factors such as government and central bank stimulus boosting demand.

How to earn from bonds and calculate bond yields?

You can earn money from bonds either by holding them until their maturity date and collecting interest payments, or by selling them for a higher price than you paid for them. Typically, bond interest is paid twice a year.

Bond yields are all different types of returns. The most common way to calculate your bond returns is through yield to maturity[12]. It calculates the return on a bond if it is held to maturity with all coupons reinvested at the YTM rate. Because coupons are unlikely to be reinvested at the same pace, an investor's real return will differ slightly.

It is vital to understand that there are various other yield measurements that are used for specific scenarios, for instance the current yield[13]. The current yield is used to compare interest income from a bond with dividend income from a stock. This is computed by dividing the bond's annual coupon by the current price of the bond. This yield solely includes the income element of the return, ignoring any capital gains or losses. This yield is most useful for those who are just interested in current income.

The nominal yield[14] is another bond yield measure that calculates the percentage of interest that will be paid on the bond on a regular basis. It divides the annual coupon payment by the bond's par, or face value. It is vital to note that the nominal yield does not accurately forecast return until the current bond price is equal to the par value. As a result, nominal yield is solely employed to calculate other measures of return.

Investors can also calculate the yield for a callable bond[15] in case there is a prepayment risk. A bond always has a chance of being called before its maturity date, so the investor may have a chance to receive a higher yield if the bonds are paid at a premium.

If an investor intends to retain a bond for a set period of time rather than until maturity, the realised yield[16] should be calculated. The investor will sell the bond in this situation, and the expected future bond price must be estimated for the calculation. Because future prices are difficult to anticipate, this yield calculation is merely an estimate of return.

How to invest in bonds

Bonds are not traded on a public exchange. After they are issued, bonds can be bought and sold in the "secondary market." While some bonds are traded openly through exchanges, the vast majority are exchanged over-the-counter between huge broker-dealers operating on behalf of their clients or on their own. However, some bonds, such as US Treasury bonds, can be purchased directly from the government. European government bonds are traded on the stock exchanges of the respective member countries; for example, Gilts are sterling-denominated government investment bonds issued by HM Treasury and traded on the London Stock Exchange. Italy, France, Germany, and Spain are the major issuers of government bonds in the eurozone, accounting for 80% of all offerings in the zone's 19 members.

The ESMA[17] is in charge of overseeing the bond market. ESMA publishes liquidity assessments for bonds available for trading on EU trading venues.

What are some tips for investing in bonds?

The following are some fundamental bond investing tips:

  • Know the maturity date of your bonds. The maturity date is the day you will be paid back for your investment. Before you commit it, know how long your money will be locked up in the bond
  • Understand the bond's rating. The creditworthiness of a bond is determined by its rating. The lower the grade, the more likely the bond will default, resulting in the loss of your investment The highest rating is AAA for the best investment bonds. Credit rating of C or lower is referred to as a low-quality investment grade bonds or junk bond, and it has the highest chance of default
  • Examine the bond issuer's track record. Knowing the history of the issuer can help you determine whether or not to invest in its bonds
  • Acknowledge how much risk you can take. Bonds with a lower credit score pay more because they are more risky. Before you invest, think about how much risk you are willing to take
  • Take into account macroeconomic hazards. Bonds lose value as interest rates climb. The risk of interest rates changing before the bond's maturity date is known as interest rate risk However, avoid trying to time the market because interest rates are impossible to anticipate. Instead, concentrate on your long-term investment goals. Bonds are also at risk if inflation rises
  • Carefully read the prospectus. If you're going to invest in a bond fund, be sure you understand the fees and what types of bonds are included. The fund's name may only communicate half of the facts; for example, government bond funds sometimes incorporate non-government bonds


Bond investments can be a good addition to your portfolio to diversify your investments. An investor can add more value to their portfolio if they understand the nature of bonds with its risks. Depending on your goals, you can buy bonds for the short or long term, and all you need to know is the bond's maturity, whether it is secured or not, taxes, and your rights as a bond holder. You may choose to hold a state bond or a corporate bond, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Although most bonds are safer than stocks, they also carry high risks and are susceptible to various kinds of risks, such as inflation and default risks. But bonds are not meant to replace other assets; they are meant to balance your portfolio. You can earn from bonds either by receiving interests or you can sell it over the secondary market.

Although future markets forecast on bond yields are to be taken with a grain of salt, the research on it ought not to be ignored as bonds, as an asset class, still carry significant value in the global market. Understanding its purpose will clarify your financial goals in terms of desired returns against risk tolerance. It will encourage informed decision-making in incorporating bonds in your portfolio.

List of References

  1. Source:
  2. Source:
  3. Source:
  4. Source:
  5. Source:
  6. Source:
  7. Source:
  8. Source:
  9. Source:
  10. Source:
  11. Source:
  12. Source:
  13. Source:
  14. Source:
  15. Source:
  16. Source:
  17. Source:

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